2 Ergebnisse.

Schmerzen und Schmerzmittelabhängigkeit im Alter
Pain is one of the most frequent health complaints among older people. Neuropsychiatric disturbances can severely affect the experience of pain. This volume describes the origins of pain from the viewpoint of gerontological psychiatry, discusses the importance of neuropsychopharmaceutic agents in pain therapy, and presents effective nonmedicinal psychiatric and psychotherapeutic forms of treatment. Interactions between pain and addiction, ranging up ...

82,00 CHF

Sucht im Alter - Altern und Sucht
Addiction at old age has been neglected by medical science for a long time. In spite of continuous advancements, there are still large knowledge gaps, prejudices and insufficient treatment services. This work introduces recent findings on the topic addiction at old age and bridges a gap between addiction medicine and gerontology / geriatric psychiatry. Alongside the more common abuse of ...

54,50 CHF